During the month of May, our web developer has been busy cleaning up the website content, layout, menu and mobile experience for users. They have also added accessibility services for those that may be visually impaired.

We have corrected information as it has been reported to our staff—-please keep sending in your reports as some details posted is correct at the time it was published, but may change without us knowing. It is helpful to make sure our website is a resource not only for our members but also the community of Lakewood.

You will find tons of information all over the site. Everything from upcoming events, community outreach to chamber updates such as new members, member spotlights, annual awards and more.

Learn more about Lakewood Tourism and Lodging, as well as the communities around Lakewood. Do you own a business, post a job? If you are a member of the chamber, has your business been in the news? Let us know, we would love the opportunity to highlight any press that you have received.

The website mobile menu has been cleaned up and is easier to read. Font sizes have changed, as well as the font type and spacing to help with readability.

If you have any suggestions that might be good for our website and the community, please let us know by contacting us through email.

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