Well… Thursday’s the big day. You’ve probably got your turkey defrosting in the fridge.

You’re wondering if family members will appreciate all the planning and hard work you put into the “big day.” How’s that “no phones rule” at the dinner table going to be received? And that feeling of discomfort when you speculate dealing with cousin Larry’s running commentary about the recent elections.

So before you give in to first world problems… I propose we all think of those who don’t have the luxury of coming home this Thanksgiving.

On Thursday when you’re all together and enjoying your family traditions, take a moment to be truly grateful. Be appreciative that we can celebrate – and worship – our holiday of choice. Be thankful for the blessing of a roof over our heads, delicious food, and the comfort of being surrounded by our loved ones. And yes, let’s even be grateful – to those brave men and women who currently serve – and those who have served – the privilege of voting … and the right to share a spirited and vigorous debate with cousin Larry.

Regardless of the fuss you might be anticipating over the holiday season, make the most of it with a joyous heart ~ because there are thousands of people who would love to be in your shoes.

Thank you ALL who have served ~ and who are currently serving. Have a blessed holiday season.

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