Yes! To Affordable Groceries

Yes! To Affordable Groceries

KEEP GROCERIES AFFORDABLE FOR WASHINGTON FAMILIES. Join Yes! To Affordable Groceries to protect hard-working families and neighborhood businesses from grocery taxes. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tod Wolf, Chair of the Board of Directors 6310 Mt Tacoma Drive SW Lakewood, WA 98499 253-582-9400 Lakewood Chamber Chair of the Board: “I-1634 will protect small...

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Lakewood Historical Society & Museum Located in the Lakewood Colonial Center, visitors can see exhibits, artifacts and old photos that tell the story of Lakewood’s early days and role in the development of the Pacific Northwest. (253) 682-3480 Historic Fort Steilacoom Fort Steilacoom was opened in 1849 to establish...

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Asia Pacific Cultural Center 4851 South Tacoma Way | Tacoma, WA, 98409 (Formerly South Park Community Center) 253.383.3900 Asia Pacific Cultural Center (APCC) serves as an interactive cultural crossroads between local and international communities, bridging generations through art. Culture, education, and business. APCC represents 47 countries and cultures, offering...

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