In times like these, every bit of “fun” that can be discovered, invented, or imagined makes each day worth living. It is in ourselves, with friends and family, where we make the choice to put aside what realities we face today and make the most of the smiles we...
Press & Articles
Merry Little Christmas Online Auction 2021
Lakewood Chamber of Commerce You are cordially invited to our Online Christmas Auction*** CLICK HERE FOR AUCTION *** Starting Now and Ending FridayDecember 3rd at 5:00 pm! November 29 – December 3, 2021 For Your Donation to the Auction, you receive: An opportunity to showcase your products/services Acknowledgment in...
Lakewood Chamber’s President Wins Main Street Mentors Search for 2021
By Lakewood Chamber of Commerce Smith Emerges as Hometown Champion in National Contest Celebrating Business Superstars Helping Local Communities Recover BOSTON, MA: September 2, 2021 — The largest online referral network for small businesses,, is announcing the results of its North American search for business leaders who’ve gone...
How to Take Your Customer Relationship to the Next Level
Author: Christina R. Metcalf Do you want to wow your existing customers? Are you ready to take your “relationship” with them to the next level? Then it may be time to grab your data and do some personalized marketing. What You Need To get your customers’ attention, you need...
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Lakewood Chamber of Commerce
6310 Mt Tacoma Dr SW
Lakewood, WA 98499 (map)
(253) 582-9400
City of Lakewood, WA
(City Hall)
6000 Main St SW
Lakewood, WA 98499 (map)
(253) 983-7795
Monday – Friday
9 am – 5 pm
10 am – 3 pm
Closed Holidays