Labor Day is fast approaching. This unofficial end of summer is largely ignored by businesses partly because a holiday surrounding working doesn’t seem like much fun. However, you can use this day for more than planning a backyard BBQ or trip to the beach. Here are some engaging social...
Press & Articles
Thank you, Candidates & Citizens!
On June 9, 10 & 11 our local citizens met the 28th & 29th Legislative District State Representative, 29th State Senator, Pierce County Auditor, and 10th Congressional District Candidates who are vying for your vote on August 2, 2022. The Lakewood Chamber of Commerce hosted the forum to ensure...
Lemonade Day Lakewood is in the Books
Lemonade Day Lakewood is in the books and from all indications, our youth had a blast! Makes me wonder if they plan to host a lemonade stand, or start another venture this summer? Maybe they’re brainstorming ideas to improve next year’s lemonade stand. As we went around town to...
A little housekeeping…an update to our website
During the month of May, our web developer has been busy cleaning up the website content, layout, menu and mobile experience for users. They have also added accessibility services for those that may be visually impaired. We have corrected information as it has been reported to our staff—-please keep...
Copywrites are held by the respective author as noted. If any article needs to be removed, please contact the chamber during business hours.
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Press :: Articles
Lakewood Chamber of Commerce
6310 Mt Tacoma Dr SW
Lakewood, WA 98499 (map)
(253) 582-9400
City of Lakewood, WA
(City Hall)
6000 Main St SW
Lakewood, WA 98499 (map)
(253) 983-7795
Monday – Friday
9 am – 5 pm
10 am – 3 pm
Closed Holidays