Country Financial Has a New Home!

Country Financial Has a New Home!

Blue Ribbon Cutting at Country Financial Mark Mattingly, Country Financial celebrated moving into his new digs in University Place on September 23rd. Chamber Members who joined in the festivities include:  Hailey Wheeler, Heritage Bank; Becky Newton, City of Lakewood; Eric Kantor, Benefit Solutions; Leanna Mason, Symmetry Financial Group; Shawn...

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Catapult Adventure Park – Lakewood

Catapult Adventure Park - Lakewood

Blue Ribbon Cutting at Catapult Adventure Park Chamber Members and City Officials gathered to welcome our newest family-fun venue, Catapult Adventure Park to our community on September 23, 2022! Attendees include: Tammy Faelnar, AA Meats; Becky Newton, City of Lakewood; Lakewood Councilmember Patti Bell; Mayor Jason Whalen; Isaiah, Destiny...

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