We all have the same 24 hours in a day. While we may have different responsibilities, the most productive people learn to use their time in valuable ways no matter how little of it there is. They quickly grasp the best way to use “stolen minutes” in between projects...
Press & Articles
Sign Your Kids Up for an Amazing (and Free) Summer Experience!
It’s coming! Lakewood Lemonade Day is Saturday, June 3, 2023! As a movement committed to the power of youth entrepreneurship, Lemonade Day Lakewood ~ offered free by the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce ~ encourages kids to learn the valuable lessons offered through its program by teaching them how to...
Lemonade Day is June 3, 2023
There’s a movement across North America to get our youth excited and involved in free enterprise! We’ve called on you to be investors, mentors and even be a friendly storefront where kids can open their lemonade stands for the day. We’re calling on you to do one more thing. ...
For Immediate ReleasePress ReleaseLakewood Chamber of Commerce, Lakewood, WA, June 3 LEMONADE DAY TEACHES KIDS ABOUT BUSINESS! The Lakewood Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to the growth of economic development in our region and believe it is never too soon to teach our youth about the excitement (and challenges)...
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Lakewood Chamber of Commerce
6310 Mt Tacoma Dr SW
Lakewood, WA 98499 (map)
(253) 582-9400
City of Lakewood, WA
(City Hall)
6000 Main St SW
Lakewood, WA 98499 (map)
(253) 983-7795
Monday – Friday
9 am – 5 pm
10 am – 3 pm
Closed Holidays