The Ambassador program was established as a coalition of business professionals who act as Chamber Representatives within the business community. The Ambassadors are an all-volunteer committee who serve as the “marketing arm” of the Chamber and are charged with extending the hand of friendship to existing and potential Members....

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Opposition to HB 1921: Proposed Road Usage Charge Program

Opposition to HB 1921: Proposed Road Usage Charge Program

Lakewood Chamber of CommerceBoard of Directors Policy Position StatementOpposition to HB 1921: Proposed Road Usage Charge Program2/11/2025 The Lakewood Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors strongly opposes HB 1921, the proposed Road Usage Charge Program. While we recognize the need for sustainable infrastructure funding, this legislation places an excessive...

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Oppose SB 5578 and HB 1764 – Unaffordable Wage and Leave Mandates

Oppose SB 5578 and HB 1764 – Unaffordable Wage and Leave Mandates

Lakewood Chamber of CommerceBoard of Directors Position StatementOppose SB 5578 and HB 1764 – Unaffordable Wage and Leave MandatesFebruary 6, 2025 The Lakewood Chamber of Commerce stands firmly against Senate Bill (SB) 5578 and House Bill (HB) 1764, which would dramatically increase labor costs for small businesses across Washington....

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RSVP From Smart to Start in Business

RSVP From Smart to Start in Business

From Smart to Start in BusinessWednesday, March 5, 20256:00pm to 8:00pm. Doors open at 5:00pm for refreshments & networking.Free of charge – Reservations Required Lakewood Chamber of Commerce6310 Mount Tacoma Dr SW, Ste B, Lakewood ________________________________________________________________________ “We’re from the government, and we’re here to help.” It’s a phrase that...

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The opinions expressed in these publications are those of the authors; which may include publications from guest writers, staff and members as well as publications submitted from third-parties. Not all submissions will be published, and the chamber reserves the right to decline submissions without explanation. The positions of our chamber board may not reflect the opinions or views of all chamber membership and sponsors, however are duly researched and discussed before an official statement is made on behalf of the membership as a whole.

Copywrites are held by the respective author as noted. If any article needs to be removed, please contact the chamber during business hours.

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