Time to update your calendars The Chamber’s fiscal year marks several changes in our meeting/events scheduling this year. Please make changes in your calendar today to ensure you’ll be able to attend your favorite meetings.

Chamber Chats – Based on speaker availability – dates will vary

Drive Time – Last Wednesday of the month, 5:00 pm

General Membership Meetings – 2nd Thursday of the month, 11:30 am

Government Affairs – Dates will vary

Morning Blend – 3rd Wednesday of the month, 8:00am

Military Affairs – 4th Thursday of the month, 8:00 am (bi-monthly beginning October 22

Morning Buzz – 1st Tuesday of the month, 8:00 am

Chamber Chat with CPSD Superintendent Ron Banner

Time: Sep 14, 2020 12:00 PM

Are CPSD elementary aged kids going back to school? What will a hybrid schedule look like? As of Thursday 9-3-20, the Covid infection rate was down to 73.5 per day (14-Day Case Rate per 100,000)

This data indicates a Moderate Risk (per DOH guidance) which allows schools to begin moving towards a Hybrid Model of instruction for elementary students soon.

The district is finalizing details to move into this mode of instruction for both elementary and secondary schools when it is safe and within the DOH guidance.

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