Spring/Summer 2024 Lakewood Chamber Directory Now Available!VIEW DIGITALLY

There’s a movement across North America to get our youth excited and involved in free enterprise!

We’ve called on you to be investors, mentors and even be a friendly storefront where kids can open their lemonade stands for the day. 

We’re calling on you to do one more thing.  And it’s simple.  Just click on the link and watch this video today.


Lemonade Day! 🍋🧋Get Started Now to Have Your Lemonade Stand Ready for June 3rd, 2023. Ways to Participate:

✍️ Register your child(ren), student(s) or mentee group!

👩‍👧‍👦 Be a mentor by supporting your kids by driving them to shop for materials, to their storefront location and being present on their day of selling their product

.• 🏪 Volunteer your business storefront as a safe space for young entrepreneurs to setup their stand(s) by contacting the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce.

⏭ Make a financial commitment and be a Lemonade Day! Investor (sponsor). LemonadeDay.org/Lakewood for more information.

Important Note! The Tacoma-PC Health Department ⛑ requires all Lemonade Day! products to be prepackaged (ie. no fresh lemons, or fruit ~ kids can ONLY use powders/concentrates — so it’s time for your littles to get creative 😊). 🍋🚲🏅 Best for Last – All the young entrepreneurs will automatically be entered into a drawing for a brand new bike once they complete the lessons & modules in the My Lemonade Day! digital app, opens a stand and submits their business results.

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