When we hear parents taking their kids for “Safe” Halloween experiences like trick-or-treating at the mall or going to a community center for a “party,” we smile and nod ~ and get pretty nostalgic for the days when we traipsed about knocking on the doors of strangers demanding candy. It was a rite of passage for a kid growing up in Lakewood.

As adults, many of us have that wistful longing for the past when we open the door to meet a plethora of superheroes, witches, ghosts, pirates and princesses. We always hope we get more than the handful of kids from just down the corner, especially because we’ve purchased several bags of treats and don’t really need all those extra calories…
We thought we’d help parents out who want to give their kids the kind of Halloween they remember by helping them locate neighborhoods who are trick-or-treater friendly. And if you decorate, well, that’s a bonus!
We know that trick-or-treating isn’t only about getting the best candy. It’s also about the experience. You know the people who really get into it. They go all out with decorations, lights, music and probably even dress up themselves! It’s all about the atmosphere and experience, isn’t it?
The Lakewood Chamber of Commerce is developing a map to share with the community about the best neighborhoods for little ghouls and goblins to visit. So, if you’re ready for more visits from kids – undoubtedly with tired, but very happy parents in tow.
We won’t post your name or exact street address. General street locations and cross streets will show parents the kid friendly stops to make.
So, how about it, Lakewood? Put yourself on the map and make it a fang-tastic experience for the littles this year!