Spring/Summer 2024 Lakewood Chamber Directory Now Available!VIEW DIGITALLY

ENTIRE STATE TO ADVANCE TO PHASE 3 ON MARCH 22 – Gov. Inslee announced today, as he provided the initial, long-awaited details for the new phase.In Phase 3, outdoor professional sports can welcome back fans at 25% capacity, while capacity for indoor activities such as dining at restaurants, attending worship services, and shopping at retail stores will move to 50% occupancy.The plan will also revert to a county-by-county approach as of March 22, rather than the regional approach the state’s been using for the last two months.

Because of Washingtonians’ diligence and commitment in fighting COVID-19, today we are moving forward with more economic activity and opportunities in our state.

1). On March 22, every county in the state of Washington will move to Phase 3 of our reopening plan.
2). New sports guidance will allow for more people to attend games. It has been a year now since our state has had spectators at major sporting events and some youth sports, but we are now at a point that we can safely allow this under certain restrictions.
3). In more good news, I am pleased that we will move to the next tier of eligibility earlier than we thought. On March 17, everyone in Phase 1B, tier 2 will be eligible for a COVID vaccine.

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