Oppose Senate Bill 5236: Concerning hospital staffing standards

Oppose Senate Bill 5236: Concerning hospital staffing standards

Lakewood Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Policy Position Oppose SB 5236: Concerning hospital staffing standards The Board of Directors of the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce opposes SB 5236, which creates rigid nurse-to-patient ratios. We are concerned about the negative impacts to patient access that will result from this...

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Sign up to join a Facebook Live One-on-One with Linda Smith

Sign up to join a Facebook Live One-on-One with Linda Smith

MEMBER EXCLUSIVE BENEFIT One-on-ones are in large part, a main staple in learning more about small business owners, their passion, business and industry. Typically, one-on-ones are either scheduled or impromptu meet ups after like minded business owners gather in larger network settings. The one-on-one allows two or more people...

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Lakewood Chamber’s Annual Christmas Auction!

For Your Donation to the Auction, you receive:*An opportunity to showcase your products/services*Listing in the Chamber’s Newsletter*Acknowledgement in our regularly sent broadcast emails and social media Yes! I will support the Lakewood Chamber’s Annual Christmas Auction! Please use the form below to submit your auction item(s) donation.

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