The Board of Directors is the policy body of the Chamber of Commerce.

Members represent a cross-section of the business and professional leadership in the community. It has always been considered an honor to serve on the Board.

Genuine and unselfish interest in the Chamber and its objective is the first requirement for Board members.

The Chamber Board performs essentially a legislative function. That is, it makes all policy decisions for the Chamber.

Specifically the board:

  • Set the overall policy for the organization.
  • Determine the goals of the Chamber through its approved program of work
  • Provide adequate funding through the annual budget to carry out the program of work.
  • Establish the dues structure of the Chamber to support the program.
  • Elect officers in accordance with the by-laws of the Chamber.
  • Recommend and approve changes to the by-laws.
  • Fill all vacancies that occur in its membership
  • Provide adequate facilities and equipment for Chamber operations.  

      Board Members will serve a 3-year term and will be eligible for an additional 3-year term.

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